So frustrated and confused


okay so here we go. this is my story. me and my husband have been trying to conceive 4 almost 2 years I finally went to a fertility specialist. this did not go as I had planned. she started asking me all kinds of questions and of course I answered them. she had asked me how often we Bd and I told her every other day during my fertile window well then she proceeded to tell me that I was having too much. that I wasn't doing it right. I have been on Clomid for about 5 to 6 months since October of 2016. then she proceeded to tell me that she would have never prescribed me Clomid because of my weight. she told me that I was obese. in my entire life I have never been called obese. I am 5 foot 9 inches and I weigh 200 lb I mean yeah I am a little overweight but I didn't think I was obese. let's just say I left her office in tears. this to not help with my trying to conceive Journey. I just need a bit of advice I guess. what do you ladies think should I drop her and find