First IUI chances !?

Paulina • TTC for our Rainbow. 💕

This month was wild.

I went to see a reproductive specialist for the first time after trying for two years and succeeding once only to end in a MC in Jan this year.

After seeing him I got AF 10/08

Took Femera CD3-7

HSG procedure 10/16

Ultrasound and blood every two days

6 follicles

Left side obviously favored

I triggered 10/19 at 8:30 am with gonadoptropin HCG shot

*with hope that follies will catch up or get bigger*

10/20 <a href="">IUI</a>

Hubbys spermies looked good.

Crossing my fingers !!!

If anyone would like to share their experiences it would be awesome.

Or opinions on my chances ?