Infertility and natural BFP!! Please pray!


Hi ladies. I just wanted to post this because I've been here for a while and like many of you, I'm always looking for hope or signs. So today I want to give you some hope! I'm 34 years old, husband is 30. In February I had a D&C;, baby had no heartbeat due to a trisomy not compatible to life. After that, we started trying in April. Last month, we went to see an RE since i was not pregnant after 6 months and am already 34. Lots of tests later, We found out that my husband's sperm had low count, low motility AND low morphology. All three. Then we found out that I have an uterine septum. It's small but it's there. I was waiting for AF yesterday or today to call the doctor and schedule a small procedure to remove it. But I won't be removing it now because I just got a BFP!!! So I just wanted to say that, whether I carry this baby to term or not, it is possible to conceive. But if you're thinking it's taking too long or if you're on the older years like me, go to an RE. They answered ALL my questions and made me feel like there was hope. We were so upset we were already saving money for <a href="">IUI</a> and <a href="">IVF</a>. My doctor said to keep trying anyway and that now he's not concerned with the septum and that we'll follow this pregnancy closely so please pray for me and my rainbow. I hope this helps at least one of you! baby dust!