Am I being too presumptuous??


Hey ladies! Heres some background: So my boyfriend and I have been together for around 8 months, I have met his parents and siblings. He's not super close with his family (they live about 3 hours away) which is fine, I understand everyone has different family dynamics. Anywho, his brother and sister in law are expecting a baby! This is their third child, nonetheless its still extreamly exciting!!

My boyfriend on the other hand is less than impressed to have his first nephew. Any time I bring up something about it he just kinda dismisses it. I asked him if he was excited and he straight up said "no, not really."

I am getting gifts for the new baby plus his two big sisters! Is it totally inappropriate to not include my BFs name on the card? Hes not helping in anyway in picking out or purchasing these items, its all me, and Im doing this because Im genuinely excited and want to share in welcoming their new little boy. Plus I kinda feel like since he's so "anti new baby" he doesn't deserve his name on anything. Is my thinking wrong? Thanks!