Cheated on for the second time by same dude!!

PLEASE HELP. LONG POST THO...Well here it goes...... I was with this man for 10 years.... He decided a year ago to mess around with this girl(whore) @ his job....He is a supervisor and not suppose to be in relationships with co-workers. Well it started with them texting back and forth. Then led to physical. He told me about It when they were just talking. He said he would stop but he didn't. So I moved out. He moved her right in our home we shared. This went on for about 4 months. All while I was still talking to him. He told me he got her pregnant. ( we tired for 3 years for me to get pregnant at that time) but I quit talking to him for 3 weeks. And started back up...I know BIG MISTAKE. We ended up getting back together. At first he was actually trying to work it out then I slowly watch him stop....It always sat in the back of my mind about him cheating again. Then he started talking to the girl he got pregnant and wanting to see his son. It hurt me everytime he would. bc she would not let him take him anywhere or see him without her bc of me. Well fast forward to now. I found out today he got 2 hotel rooms 2 separate times. He is with her now. He has been gone for 8 hours with not calling me or texting me. I know we are done but what are my rights to be here in the appartment we shared... but the thing is I took my name off the lease when i moved out the first time??