Pregnant or no?

My husband and I had unprotected sex on October 1st during ovulation. Fast forward to the 14th my boobs started feeling super full and sensitive, and I was SO HORNY! I could barely keep from jumping on my husband everytime he came in the room, which is not like me at all! I also went grocery shopping and only bought junk food, which is even less like me! I've been so exhausted I've been skipping lunches with friends and haven't gone to the gym in over a week. Taking long naps daily. And oh so cranky... sooo cranky. lol

So on the 16th I had an EXCESSIVE amount of clear, extremely stretchy discharge. Which apparently sometimes means pregnancy, especially right before your missed period. I took a pregnancy test that night, which was negative.

My period was due the 19th(yesterday) but is always late. This time it came two days early though on the 17th, and only lasted until last night. But was pretty heavy, which is normal for me. And today just some pink/brown spotting.

Anyone have this happen?

Weird period or possibly pregnant?

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