ex f*ck buddy confesses his love 2 years later

I don't know what to do guys. 2 years ago I was fuck buddy's with this guy I worked with, he always said he never wanted to be in a real relationship which sucked because I liked him SO MUCH. finally I said screw it and started dating this other guy I work with (who is amazing) and I moved in with him and we have been together for 2 years. I still work with the other guys on Fridays which is fun because we always have a good time together at work but tonight his car was having issues so I drove him home. on the way to his house he confessed everything about how he did like me but how I was about to go to college and he didn't want to be the reason I stayed here instead of going away anywhere and he was so close to just asking me to date and that was when I said fuck it and started dating my current boyfriend. once I got to his house he kissed me and I slapped him and told him to get out of my car. now I feel like my world is completely upside down. I've moved in with my boyfriend, we have a great relationship and now i get told by my ex-fuck buddy that he actually liked me all along and was devastated with my "new" relationship. wtf??