I'm new! Introducing myself :)


Hey, I'm Sarah, 27 years old. hoping to conceive first! my husband and I have been married for two years, just started trying. I've always wanted to be a mom and have had baby fever so bad the past year that it hurts my body!!! we were waiting just because of work and life stuff. (I recently switched to a less stressful job.) I have been diagnosed with endometriosis. i have been taking birth control for 2 years to treat my symptoms, so I am nervous to be off birth control and possibly have the debilitating pain again. I want more than anything to be a mom so I know it will be worth it! I also have Hashimoto's disease, but it is currently under control. hormones are tricky for me to get balanced and I have to get bloodwork often to make sure my levels are okay! Just had bloodwork and levels are healthy to get pregnant! Yay! I downloaded this app because I know it mught be hard for us to conceive based on my medical issues and IM TOO EXCITED AND HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! I also have struggled with anxiety so i think this is a way to "control" the process!! I have been reading some posts and it is refreshing to know a lot of women feel the way I feel. anyways, thanks for reading! 😘