I don't know what we are.... pls help


So over the course of this past summer me and a boy grew very close. When we first started becoming friends he was your typically senior flirt. He flirted with anything that walked cuz he thought it was funny but never actually sought out relationships. Anyway, we grew close as friends and by mid summer we became snuggle buddies. Still friends, nothing more, we didn't question anything, we were fine with it. A month past and he became my first kiss. By then many feelings took root for the both of us but now we're stuck. We both love snuggling and cuddling and kissing (haven't gone any farther cuz I've never, and he's "too scared to defile me" cuz he "has too much respect for me as his best friend" -his honest words) but we love everything else you would do in a relationship but he says that he's never had a friend in his life before like me, coming from a hard home he's never had a friend to always be there for him no matter the problem and he can't bare the thought of losing that. So he said he doesn't want to date because he has no trust in a relationship ending well cuz that's also never happened to him before and it's too much of gamble for him. I love him and trust him to pieces and I know he feels the same but we're both so confused and don't really know what we are anymore, if we're friends or more than that. He can't figure it out and it's slowly bringing us down. If someone can please explain what we could do to help ease the frustration it's be greatly appreciated