BFP? Or am I reaching?


hello ladies!

So my husband and I have been TTC for almost a year and a half. Last year, we found out that I have PCOS...

...and that medication was going to be our best option for us to have a baby, so when he finally got out of the military and we found a home, I found a fertility doctor. I completed my first round of provera, clomid, and trigger shot and I am now almost 15 dpo. AF is supposed to rear her ugly head this weekend,

but I couldn't help myself (as most of us can't) and I started to test early, though my doctor told me not to test until 10/23 (17 dpo). I started getting a super faint line at 11 dpo, which is very hard to see on photos, but by 14 dpo, I got a nice little faint bfp.

Ladies, fingers crossed that this is the real deal!

Let me know what you think, tell me about your time TTC, any symptoms you've had around this time, or really anything you'd like! We can all get through this time together ❤❤❤