Emergency c-section


On October 9th (my DD), I had started to spot/bleed. That night, I started experiencing contractions 3 minutes a part. I called in and one of my midwives told me to try and get some sleep and to call back if the pain got worse and/or more consistent or if my water broke. She advised that I take Benadryl to help me sleep. I took the Benadryl around 10:45 pm. At 11:15, I was lying in bed when I felt 3 small gushes. I went to the restroom (thinking I was still spotting) and sat on the toilet. As soon as I did, more fluid gushed out. Assuming this was my water breaking, I took a shower and ate some food. I called back in and my midwife told me to come in. I got to the hospital around 12:15. They confirmed it was my water that broke and got me settled into a room. I was only 1 cm dilated! From 1-5 I labores through contractions that were still every 2-3 minutes. Yes, they hurt! At 5 I was 3 cm and they gave me the epidural. The epidural was weird feeling but it didn’t really hurt! Only hard part was sitting still through the contractions. Throughout the day I progressed well and by 1:30 pm I was 9 cm. It took me until 5 pm to get to 10! At 5 pm, I started pushing. I pushed for 1 1/2 hours. They considered using a vacuum to get her out, but ultimately decided a c-section would be better. My husband started to change into scrubs and the midwife/nurses started to prep me. All of a sudden, things started moving VERY quickly. They rushed me into the OR, made my husband leave the room, and put me under completely for the c-section. Apparently, my baby’s heartbeat started a sinusoidal pattern. Not sure what exactly that means, I just know it’s not good for baby! She was born at 7:01 pm. She swallowed amniotic fluid and had to be on antibiotics for 48 hours, but other than that she was a healthy baby. I lost over 2 liters of blood. I didn’t get to meet her until 9:30 pm. Afterwards, the doctor explained I could not get her out due to the shape of my pelvic bone. Vaginal delivery will never be an option for me. It was a physically and emotionally draining labor/delivery, but I’m so happy she’s happy and healthy!

Layla Jessica, born at 6 lbs 14 oz, 18 1/2 inches long.