my baby girl is here!!!


On October 15th i went into the hospital to be induced at 8 am. we got in and hooked up to the moniters and I was already having some mild cibtractions and dilated to 3.5 and 70% effaced. they monitored me for an hour to see if there was any change but the only change was baby girls heart rate. it dropped down so fast and they made me flip a few times to help bring it up. they gave me a little pill inserted vaginally to help soften me before they induced me. that's all it took and my body went into active labor on its own 30 minutes later. I contracted and got an epidural and just waited. at 430 I was dilated to 6 and they have me a peanut ball to put in between my legs. not even 5 minutes later I felt like I had to poop. They checked me and sure enough baby was coming out. Dr cameI in and I started pushing but her heart almost stopped. The sound of it slowing down so low and almost stopping gave me the motivation I needed because in 5 pushes she was out. the cord was wrapped around her neck 2 times but Dr was able to slide it off once her head was out. Was the easiest labor although we had some scared a few times!

Miss Emma Jane weighed 7 pounds 6.5 ounces and 20 inches long. Post Partum has been pretty easy and I am feeling so blessed!!!