Going out with 2mo old...


I'm feeling like I can't do anything with my 8 week old son. He only wants to cluster feed and use me as a paci and sleep on me all day long. I love it and we've had an amazing bonding period but I feel like I should be out more. I barely grocery shop or go out to do much besides the doctors and walks with friends. How do you manage breast feeding with going out in public? My little man is a super light sleeper so getting him to nap while out and about is challenging. He's also been a bit colicky and pretty fussy so I also worry about subjecting the public to him... I'll have to go back to work in 4 weeks and at this point I cannot imagine leaving him but know I need to get out, do stuff and get him on some sort of a better schedule. I just don't know how. Here's my little man Jason 😄