I love my husband, but he’s an idiot 😂


Ok. I do the dishes 3 times a day. I do daycare, we go through a ton of dishes. My hubby claims he does the dishes after dinner at least 5 times a week🤣😂🤣😂. I argued that he is full of shit.

So we put up a chart. Every night that you do the dishes you sign it. Now, in an effort to prove me wrong, he does the dishes EVERY night right after dinner. His name is filling up the chart. He is so proud that he “outsmarted” me.

I am so happy, I haven’t had to do the dishes after dinner in so long. Right now, I am taking a bath and listening to my kids play in the next room and my hubby is doing the dishes.

He is a computer engineer by the way. ❤️❤️