
I recently came off birth control (about 3 months ago) and have been TTC for our first child. I know sometimes it takes women time for their cycles to adjust after coming off BC, but mine seemed to be adjusted appropriately (I still had my period around the same time each month). So I had hope.

This month my husband and I tried to up our game and try almost everyday during fertile period. I even felt slight cramping in the middle of the month, assuming hopefully it’s my ovulation. According to Glow my period is supposed to be in 3 days, but I started spotting today. Hoping it was just implantation bleeding (because it’s about 11 dpo) and it was light pink I stayed hopeful. But then few hours later it became red and still have cramping and I think it’s starting to get heavier (no clots yet though), so its probably AF.

I feel almost embarrassed for feeling so disappointed this early on, when I know people have been trying for years. So thank you for bearing with my venting. I feel like almost all my friends have babies, and my family (esp mom) are almost shocked that I’m not pregnant yet. Esp since I’m the oldest among my siblings and the only one that’s married, so all eyes are on me...yay...

I knew I could turn to this community for support ❤️ how did you guys deal with such times? I’m a newbie to this so idk what to expect or how this process will be.

I’m also too scared to test “just in case.” I’m not ready for another disappointment just yet.

Thank you all for reading this far if you have. It was almost therapeutic for me to type all this out. Much love ❤️


Thank you all so much for your sweet and supportive comments.

So my period is way lighter than usual (my period is usually around 7 days, with it being heavy for about 3 days). I only had 1 moderately heavy day and now it’s light and no cramping.

Is there a chance that it might just be breakthrough bleeding?? What are the odds? And if that is the case, is it something to worry about/is it still healthy? Still too scared to test 😬