Slippery Sexy Times with Pre-Seed


So more of just a funny story than a question. Hubby and I used Preseed for the first time. The instructions recommend a dose from 2-3g using the applicator. Now, usually I am a little dry, so I thought, why not just go for the 3. I insert, and we lie there naked, just shooting the shit for the suggested 10-15 minutes.

Then we do the obligatory 10 seconds of foreplay that comes with being married for a few years. We're having a good time, doing our thing (/eachother), and I realize, he is lasting longer than he usually does. I mean, he is switching positions and just goin' at it like the energizer bunny.

And I start to think, maybe I should be a little sexier for him, if he's having trouble. Push the chesticles together, make a few noises like a dying cow, you know, the usual. After a little while longer, I ask if everything is ok. He says, I can't feel anything! And I'm like:

He must've noticed the look on my face because he said, "no no it's the preseed! We used too much and now I have no friction!" So I'm laughing (mostly out of relief), he flips me over and we try again. But seriously, it's too wet down there. And his poor weenie is drowning.

I suggested he jerk off and finish inside me, but at that point he was pushing rope. We just lay awkwardly on the bed with his poor sad junk, hanging down all dejected. We agreed, next time I use the minimum amount of lube. So moral of the story ladies is: give your vagina more credit. You are wetter than you think.

Epilogue: Got it in later tonight, so didn't miss ovulation day.