What else should I be doing?!?

First I’d like to say I love my boyfriend but I need to rant. And possibly get opinions on how the hell else I should deal.However, it’s 2 am and I’m standing in the fucking kitchen making him Mac and cheese after going to the gas station and buying him a cig lighter because he lost his.

Alright so from the top, he goes out with his friends every other weekend or so.. no big deal. Tonight I didn’t join with because I’m exhausted.

I work almost full time, do side jobs when I’m off and go to school Mon- Frid in the evenings. This weekend has been super busy and I just wanted to chill. He says okay- makes sure I’m not upset about going out without me. I’m cool, he leaves.

He drinks at least 1 beer almost every night and then much more when out with friends. He’s started this stuff where he instantly becomes mad about whatever, 🤔 and starts yelling and slamming shit around. And it lasts for a couple hours sometimes with him sulking after he’s done yelling like a kid. Tonight was one of those nights. He comes in all sweet and says he missed me and wished I would have came.. then he says he needs to tell me something but I can’t be mad. Ok??? What is it I’m thinking. The way he’s acting it’s something huge and I’ll be pissed. He tells me that a girl offered to show all of the other friends and him a piercing she got in the nether regents and he just walked off. I had to pry it out of him to tell me- after he kept saying don’t be mad. Why the hell would I be mad over that, right?

He didn’t look and that’s what matters to me. So I’m like ok? I’m not mad. He starts yelling and slamming all of the doors, looking for his lighter to smoke and can’t find it so starts yelling some more.. so I offer to get him a new one and he was hungry so now I’m standing here ranting over it and making Mac and cheese. I’m tired of these random yelling fits. What do I do. I’m too tired to deal with this shit this early 😓