finally posting my story

Jessica • currently pregnant with our rainbow! due november 1 2017. yours mine and ours, this makes number 5! ❤️

alright. so, I'm sure many saw (I know quite a few commented) about the planned induction I had scheduled that turned into a planned c section at 37 weeks due to big baby, polyhydramnios, and him flipping breech a week before the big day. so I was told to be at the Hospital at 5:30 am then surgery would be at 7:30 am. well I woke up at 4 am unable to sleep anymore because I was so anxious/nervous. finally it was time to go. got all checked in and in my gown. we had nurse exchange right after getting there and finally my new nurse Aggie came in. she said she took so long because she had to make sure I got all the criteria to have this baby so early, which I did. they monitor for any contractions and ask me questions. we start getting everything prepped, paperwork signed, and my IV put in. my doctor comes in and says he's going to do an ultrasound to make sure he's still breech before they start numbing me up and take me to the OR. low and behold, he's head down. so they decided to induce me and watch carefully to make sure he doesn't flip again. I get into a room immediately but I'm not dilated at all. he warns me this could be a long process (it's my 4th kid I'm not worried) at this point im just excited I'm not having surgery. just after 8 am I get the cytotec to start softening my cervix and it's not long before I feel the contractions. I had to leave it in for 4 hours and see where that takes me. I was having consistent contractions and my Dr finally gets to check me but I'm only a figertip dilated. so in with the next round of cytotec. again I feel an increase in contractions. I tried to doze off for a while but it didn't last long. around 8 pm I'm checked and my Dr decided to carefully break my water and control how fast it comes out. after what seems like forever he's content that I'm no longer at risk for cord prolapse or placental abruption. they took all the towels and subtract the actual weight of the towels to find out how much fluid I have because my Dr had never seen so much in all his years as an OB. my water measured out to about 3 liters! at this point I'm about 2 cm but he's sure it will speed up now that my water is broken. that's was around 8 pm. about 2:45 am I'm checked and I'm at a 3. still progressing slowly but waiting for his head to come down more. they started pitocin then came in every so often to increase it because my contractions hadd spread further apart. finally around 530 I was at an 8, but his head was still high up. my Dr came in just after 630 to check me and said I was close and maybe a practice push would get it going. I didn't feel the need to push whatsoever but once I did my Dr said it was time. 3 contractions is all it took and at 6:45 am Jacob Logan was born. 9lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. no tearing at all and he was perfectly healthy although a few hours later they were struggling to get his blood sugar up to normal levels. he ended up having a 4 day NICU stay and it was the most exhausting and terrible experience of my life. I was discharged after one day and my son was still in the hospital. once his blood sugar stabilized he was kept for jaundice. he was born on Thursday October 12th and on Saturday my husband had to force me to leave the hospital to go home and take a decent nap. I was showering at the hospital and not sleeping well. but once I had the sleep and some real food in me, I felt much better. on Monday the 16th we finally got to take our baby boy home. it definitely made me think about how glad I was that this was our last. I can't imagine going through that again. it was hard to see him poked every few hours and all the cords and tubes all over him while somebody else told me how to care for my son. but he's home, and so loved by his big Brothers and by family and friends ❤️