Help😅 **UPDATED**


My S.O. and I were having some fun in our bedroom day before yesterday and he was wearing protection but it fell off when he came. We are not to sure whether he finished in me or if the condom caught it instead but I've been feeling really nauseous lately. Is it too soon for me to be experiencing symptoms or is it possible that my nausea is more than just me stressing myself out? Also, I am 19 and he will be 20 Nov. 1st. We both have things we want to do before we start a family but abortion is out of the picture completely.. **UPDATE** OK so, my period was supposed to come on Nov. 1st and it didn't, I still haven't gotten my period and we are now on Nov. 7th. The original portion of this post was made on Oct. 22nd and since then my S.O. and I have gotten freaky since then #GotThatGoodDickDontWorry😂 but now I'm starting to wonder if I maybe should be testing soon. Help😂