Newlywed Husband on Tinder...

Makayla • Mama to L 👶🏻, Step-Mama to E 👧🏻, and Fur Mama 🐾🐾

So last week, I had a friend message me about a mutual friend of ours. This friend, let's call her Sarah, sent me a screenshot of our friend, Gabby's, husband's profile on Tinder. Now keep in mind Gabby and Andy just got married less than a month ago! Sarah said that she has had a Tinder off and on for years and his profile has never popped up. On his (Andy) profile, it stated "just looking to meet new people." Sarah asked me what she should do and I had no idea! I felt like Gabby needed to know that he had a profile, but it just also didn't seem right to interfere in someone's marriage. Anyway, Sarah decided to tell Gabby the next day. Gabby was super caught off guard and said that she would talk to her husband about it. Here's where it gets super sketchy! Andy tells her that he deleted it over a year ago, and couldn't figure out how to delete the actual profile when he deleted the app. Here's a few things:

1. They've been together for almost 4 years, so either way he's had a tinder account active while they've been together.

2. I believe if you delete the app, it deletes your profile! (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong)

3. Sarah read online that if you are inactive for more than 3 weeks, your profile stops circulating. Can someone confirm?

4. If he was looking for new people to hang out with, why Tinder?! And (because I've had a tinder and I know how it works) he would have to select that he's interested in meeting girls in order to pop up on Sarah's tinder. Doesn't seem right for a married man (or anyone in a committed relationship) to be seeking new "friendship" with members of the opposite sex without their spouse/significant other being aware.

5. He had a mirror selfie of him flexing as his picture, which doesn't seem like something someone would do if he was looking for new bros to hang with? Right??

Anyway, I call bullshit on his story. And it makes me feel awful for her that she was so willing to just take him at his word. But then I just feel sad that he may already be stepping out on her. I know none of it is really my business, but I want so badly to present the points above to her and see what she says. It's such a shitty position to be in! Anyone have any advise, or words of encouragement?