Husband with porn

Hey guys sorry this is a long one but i need your Christian advice. I am 18 weeks pregnant and my husband and I tried to conceive for 2 years so it’s all very exciting. My husband and I are both Christians, he actually helped me find my way to Christ. But yesterday I get home from a weekend with my family and my husband is not home, I went to do something on his iPad to do something sexy and post him a pic on his iPad of me (I never do that) as I didn’t get to see him for the weekend. Well then I found porn all over his pages that he pulled up and it made me ill. Me being pregnant, already a little self conscious about my body and my husband looking at other women. I caught him once before about 3 years ago when I was away as my dad was sick in the ICU so I wasn’t really into having sex for a week. Then he attributed it to missing me sexually and he felt awful and said it would never happen again. Then yesterday he finally came out saying that he has been struggling with his addiction for some time. He says it has nothing to do with me and that I am beautiful and he doesn’t want to be with anyone else and that he doesn’t necessarily always is horny that craves him to do it. He said he has tried to fight it for a long time but this secret he has been hiding. He told me when he was like 6-7, his babysitter would pretty much make him have sex with him but he didn’t know right from wrong and she did this for years. He is unsure if it stemmed from that. But I’m really struggling and need a Christian woman to give me some peace of mind.