Timing sex- why is it so hard?


Am I the only one who is frustrated by this? My husband can't handle more than every other day. He works 12 hour shifts at a physically taxing job and he's tired. It just never seems to line up. This is our 5th month TTC, with the first month a total miss cause I was trying to figure it out. I finally have a real positive LH surge and he just worked 14hrs and works 12 tomorrow, and has zero interest in trying because we BD last night. I know they say every other day should be enough, but it just doesn't feel like it at this point. I can't even be mad at him, but I'm so incredibly frustrated with this entire process! It makes me feel defeated and pissed that I have to wait an entire month to try again because I'm convinced we're missing this months chance as I type this. How do you guys stay positive? I need all the help I can get.