I’m beyond done with pregnancy.. anyone else?

Let me start by saying that I am truely greatful that my body can carry a healthy baby as I know some women cannot. I am blessed to be on my third full term pregnancy, but by no means am I not complaining... I need to vent to you guys and PLEASE tell me someone shares this feeling...

This is my third full term pregnancy (currently 28weeks and baby looks good so far, I’ll know better tomorrow). However I am suffering a lot. This has been my worst pregnancy. I know again that some women suffer much worse pains or issues and I try to keep that in mind. I’m still sitting on my couch crying though because I don’t ever remember hurting this much before and every time I’ve mentioned it to my doctors they say it’s just discomfort. I’m miserable. At almost 7 months, I feel like I struggle to walk some days. No matter how I sleep at night, I wake up in pain and I developed carpal tunnel with this pregnancy which flares up x100 at night. I prop my arm up which helps but the slightest wrong move and pain flares up sometimes all the way to my shoulder. I feel like my uterus/abs are ripping all over constantly and my back pain is 11/10 right now. This baby makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Let’s add that I have a uti that went to my kidneys, I have nerve problems from my uterus pressing on them so half my body goes numb, I have swelling in my feet which sucks because I’m working a lot on them. I’ve tried lots of home remedies and even expensive solutions with none working. I have headaches, vision changes, nausea and vomiting AGAIN (had hyperemesis for the first half of pregnancy), constipation, back pain, back pain, back pain, HEARTBURN that has become immune to meds for the last 2 months... and more.

Ive been checked a few times for preeclampsia because I know some of what I mentioned falls into those symptoms, but as far as they can tell I’m

Normal. My bp has always been low/normal. I had a referral to neurology for my headaches and got turned away because they said they won’t see me while I’m pregnant 😒, ive tried prenatal massage, epsom salt bath soaks, essential oils, shoe inserts, lots of Tylenol and antacids, pillows galore, hydration, etc. you guys get the picture.

Just let it be January already 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼