Ever conflicting advice?!


Put your baby down for naps in a bright room during the day so they can tell day from night (without nursing, rocking, or dumb luck how does this happen...?)


put baby down in a dark room with sound machine drowsy but awake (this works but then will she not know it’s daytime?! 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Feed every 2-3 hours and wake a sleeping baby.


don’t wake a sleeping baby. They will wake when hungry.

Lactation consultant says no more than 3 hours. Pediatrician says ok to have one 6 hour stretch.

Give a pacifier vs don’t

Give a bottle vs don’t.

🤦🏻‍♀️ ugh.

I’ve been listening to the audio book “Becoming babywise” and I definitely want to start getting a good eating and sleeping rhythm going but it’s so hard to weed through all the opinions. Anyone have any babywise success or complaints? Would love some input.