I’m having a miscarriage 💔😢


Just found out on Monday after trying for almost a year that my baby had no heart beat & stopped growing... they had me at 7wks&3days... this is my first time ever experiencing this and it’s broken me:( but I’am grateful that I have two healthy boys 5&7 & my wonderful husband to keep me happy and positive... I’ve had two ultrasounds already and everything is passing naturally and they said I should pass it all within a day or two... hoping I don’t bleed for a long time... I really want to start trying again since they said my lab work was great im young healthy and don’t need a D&C...; I need my little rainbow baby and praying it’s healthy and wouldn’t hurt if I got my little girl... please tell me there are other moms out there who have had success after a miscarriage of getting pregnant and it sticking short after?!?!