How to know if my amniotic fluid (water) is leaking ?

I'm 36+5 weeks & I woke up to my panties kinda wet. I wasn't sweating but I thought maybe my private area was just a little hot... but then when I went to pee, it was what look like tiny specs of CM in my pee. My panties didn't have a lot of discharge in them although it was wet. I'm really excited to have my baby so I'm thinking maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me. I don't have any pains and I haven't had a gush of fluids come out of me . Baby is really active right now.

Update: now my nose is bleeding. I took a shower and I could feel something coming out but I felt like I had control to stop it ... I always thought if my water was breaking I wouldn't be able to stop it , my panties smelled kind of "sweet" I guess. I'm doing the pad test now.