Birth story!
At almost two months old I’m finally ready to share my birth story! It’s long and I apologize in advance, I ramble lol! I work 40 hours a week in a deli, I had been having BH for two months so they had become a normal part of my routine. On Sunday I lost my mucus plug, called my doctor she said nothing to worry about continue as normal. (They had already had to stop my labor twice at this point and I wasn’t quite 36 weeks along.) went to work Thursday having some slightly painful contractions but irregular so just assumed BH went home and tried to sleep, at about 1 they became regular and stronger every 3-5 minutes and I started bleeding. Grabbed SO and went to the hospital. My doctor was the one on call and she said I was just dehydrated and to come see her the next day for my group b swab. The nurses didn’t want to let me leave (I was still bleeding and contracting regularly but doctors orders. I also had blood drawn and urine tested, no dehydration.) but doctors orders. My doctor cleared me again to work after I saw her Friday but said if I started contracting she would put me on bedrest. Saturday morning we were short staffed and my boss had just come in to let me go to lunch after 5 hours of no food, omg! Super excited to eat my burger I got to the break room, sat down, took one bite and *gush* I thought I got so excited for food I forgot I had to pee! Ran to the bathroom, nothing, stood up *gush* I start making calls. Mom, sister, doctor. Calmly walk over to my boss and tell him, my store manager volunteers to drive me to the hospital because I refused an ambulance and my car was broken down. The whole way to the hospital the contractions are mild and irregular, it helps I have a high pain tolerance as well, my boss is freaking out because I’m NOT freaking out. Got to the hospital they put me in triage because they don’t believe my water broke. Checked me, definitely my water and I’m 2cm dilated. Stick an IV in. I told them he was breech at my last ultrasound so they order an ultrasound and he’s PERFECT. My SO finally gets there with my mom, sister, and SURPRISE his insane family. GREAT. And my doctor isn’t on call so she wouldn’t be delivering my baby. Cool. So my water broke at 1130 and by 1 they started pitocin to make my contractions regular. OUCH. They wouldn’t let me walk around. I didn’t want an epidural, I knew I could do it on my own I wanted to feel the whole experience. My contractions, while strong, wouldn’t regulate and I wasn’t progressing very quickly, they were upping it as often as they could and I was dilating about a cm an hour. At 7pm I asked for the epidural, they had checked me at 630 and said I was 5.5 cm and 100% effaced. After that check I started having horrendous pressure and I could feel him moving into the birth canal. At 730 I finished my IV and they said I could get my epidural, I kept telling them I needed to push and they told me no, I wasn’t ready. At 8 they checked me again before I could get the epidural and told me I was at 10 and she could feel his head!! BUT THE FREAKING DOCTOR WASN’T THERE!! The nurse let me do one “practice push” but quickly told me to stop because he was coming too fast the doctor was over 30 MINUTES OUT! I’m begging, pleading, praying to God to let me push! The nurse said my cervix stretched wrong or something there was a thin piece that was stretching across one side so she’s flipping pushing on that piece FINGERS IN MY VAGINA WHILE I’M HAVING CONTRACTIONS! I wanted to kick her in the face. They made me roll on to my side which made my contractions so much worse. FINALLY the doctor gets there and is just nonchalantly putting on his gown and gloves. They’re putting me in the stirrups and he says “you’re crowning” like NO SHIT. They tell me finally I can push and within three pushes my son is finally born! 8:52 pm September 2nd, 6lbs 8oz 19 inches long.
At birth

The next day

7 weeks old 💞💞

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.