Feeling so defeated


I have a 5 week old and 16 month old and I just don't know if I can do this. My son had horrible extreme colic and my daughter is very strong willed and jealous. I spend all day trying to keep her from destroying everything (she will scream if I try to contain her) and trying to keep him from screaming until my ears bleed.

My husband is a firefighter and is in paramedic school so I have the kids all day (6:30-4:30) and then I work 5-11 most nights. I have no free time. I have no down time. I sleep 3 hrs/night tops.

I didn't even want 2 kids. I love my son, but he was not planned and I'm so overwhelmed. We can't afford child care so I'm completely stuck and I'm borderline suicidal I'm so miserable right now. This is impossible.

I made my daughter and I lunch today and I couldn't finish feeding her until 2 hrs later because the baby was freaking out and I never got to eat. Half the time I only eat dinner. I'm at a loss and feel hopeless.