

Hi! I have all sorts of apps that say I'm ovulating on different days. I'm new to this and have never taken an ovulation test so I am just going by CM and symptoms. I believe I have just passed my fertile window. This morning I had creamy CM on my underwear and now nothing. I have had weird muscle spasm type jumping feeling in my uterus area (enough to wake me up as I'm drifting off to sleep), pretty noticeable appetite loss (husband noticed first), slight cramping here in there (but I know that can happen when ovulating), and the last thing that stood out was a random tooth/gum ache that lasted 5 mins and went away (I've never had that before). I'm not getting my hopes up... Just some things I've noticed. The thing I'd like an opinion on the most is the weird CM that was there in the morning and now, not so much. Sorry for the long post! I appreciate any input! Thank you :) (BD'd on the 19th, 21st, 22nd, and 25th)