
Cake • It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

It's the most wonderful tiiimmeee of the yeeaaarrr! Samhain is just around the corner~!

Every year I hold a ritual for everyone I know that's died during the year (which tends to happen every year). I write them a short goodbye letter, set up a few charged stones in a bowl with water, and burn the letter. The idea is that the smoke carries the letter to my deceased loved one. Death tends to follow me around, so I've found this is a great way to honor those I've lost and say my final goodbyes. And what better day to do it than Samhain when the veil is thinnest?

Other than that, I study and spend time outside meditating. My SO and I are solitary practitioners, so we don't really have anyone to celebrate with lol

How do you celebrate it? Any go-to recipes you do every year? Or specific rituals?