ranting a bit about mysel

ABIGAIL • Mommy to 3 lil boys👦👦👶

Ok so I had my 3rd child 3 mth's ago my 3rd boy ,and right now I feel like a failure, I feel like I made a mistake on stopping breastfeeding, I stop cold turkey when he turned a mth old and I literally dried up in 3 days ,I had to drink tea every morning and afternoon and eat so much oatmeal even if I gaggd a bit 😖 and when I pumped I only pumped 3 oz or 2 ,and my baby would take almost an hr to get full ,and then again in 45 min he'll be hungry again , I was so tired ,and my oldest kids needed attention and so did my husband ,and when I started feeding my LO formula I felt so relived I could take a shower or just take an extra 1hr nap when my husband would feed him ,but now I just feel horrible for caving in and not being strong for my LO and giving him all the extra nutrients he needs ,😣😭😭😢😢 I just feel shity ,I could of done more, I love my boys so much , and I love my lil one so much, I really don't know what's wrong with me I just hope if I ever get lucky to have another child I can actually BF more than a mth 😔 I just had to get this out of my mind ,my husband really doesn't understand, so I just rant it out here ,sorry lady's if you had to read this sappy story ☹