Paragard and acne


Anyone with paragard have acne breakouts right before and during their period? I had acne in high school and actually went vegan because I realized I was allergic to dairy and that that was causing breakouts and my skin cleared up quite a bit once I stopped consuming dairy. It cleared up even more once I went on the xulane birth control patch. Well, the hormones were helping keep my skin clear, but they were worsening my anxiety and depression, so a year ago I switched up to the paragard iud. I love it and I’m not on meds and haven’t been for almost two years. Now, I only get panic attacks if I have caffeine, which I stay away from since I know they give me panic attacks, so emotionally and psychologically, I’m doing a lot better, but just recently, I started breaking out way more than I have been. It was very manageable. I’d get a couple before my period, put some benzoyl peroxide on it and call it a day. This past month has been awful! I’m not sure if it’s just the horrible weather here in Southern California right now or changing my face makeup routine a little or if it could be due to the lack of added hormones or maybe a combination.. idk. I’m going to make an appointment with my dermatologist, but I just wanted to see if anyone else on paragard has been having acne problems?? Just trying to rule things out, so I can get to the bottom of this cuz it’s driving me crazy and making me feel so gross.😔