could i be pregnant? 2nd UPDATE


I don't want to get my hopes up too much. and never want to say it out loud in case I curse my self. but AF is due tomorrow. a week leading up to it I normally have really tender breast. but I don't have this not even an ache lol what I do have Is every now and then Il get an a he like pain in my lower right ovary area also lower right ovary is raised and quite hard to the touch where as left side is flat and soft. last 5 days Iv been feeling very sick and today I keep going light headed and dizzy could this be a sign? 8 months of TTC for my 2nd child. *UPDATE* AF still hasn't arrived Eeeekkk nervous happy. my period falls any where between days 26&30. today is day 30 and no sings of AF yet. I will test at the end of the week. please send me your baby dust ladies. I feel so close to this! *2nd UPDATE** still no signs if AF today yey!! ordered pregnancy tests off amazing due to arrive today so I will take on with FMU tomorrow. yesterday and today the nausea has just been overwhelming. still getting slight cramps to the lower right cervix. But now my whole cervix area is raised is this a good sign? my partner swears my nipples look darker too haha xx