My husband doesn't understand

So we'd been trying for over a year now and I finally got 2 lines. My husband is a nice person overall but he's not expressive and it's taking its toll on me now. He never compliments when he likes how i looks, ever or when i try to level best to cook like a pro at home. He didn't even get excited when I got the positive.. and now when I'm having mood swings in week 1 and he doesnt understand that and gets annoyed in return to the extent that we don't talk for days. I eventually give in. But im just awfully sad and need to pour out in front of someone who won't judge me. I've tried not expecting expressiveness from him but sometimes.. you know? You need a little validation. Am I asking for too much? Anyone with me here? Any good advice for me where i can correct myself if I'm in the wrong?