Custom fit condoms!

Fig • ♡ wade's punk mumma ♡ bunny wife ♡ queer and poly ♡

hey friends. thought I'd share a neat thing. ONE condoms (USA) make condoms in sizes other than snug, standard, or XL. your partner can print out their measurement ruler (they have their own system of measurement), enter their measurements that they know, or describe how their current condoms feel. they're assigned a size and can get 3 trial condoms for $2 shipping. thought I'd share to help keep yall safe. we weren't using condoms because standards were too tight on him and he was told he wasn't able to have kids. anyway, with our poly relationship, it's important to use protection. Plus we won't be ready for another baby for another like...5 years. So go forth and get proper fitting protection, my friends!