44 and just got BFP! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜Š


Hey everyone! I am still in slight shock and nervous. In the past 3 years Iโ€™ve had a chemical pregnancy and a miscarriage. I had pretty much given up after almost two years of no BFP. I just chalked it up to my body being done and was enjoying sex with hubby without precautions. I flipped back and forth between testing and not testing for several days. Well 3 days after my birthday I skipped lunch and started feeling nauseous. I decided to test and the test line popped up so quickly and so dark that I had to look at the image on the test stick to make sure It was right!! Lol I am nervous and scared because I just started a full time job and we were working toward buying a bigger home. I have my first appointment on 11/10. Prayers and encouraging stories are welcome!!