It hit

It all hit me that it's just too much. Everything is TOO MUCH. I give my all to everyone in my life, I clean my parents house before I clean my own apartment, I feed my son 6 times before I feed myself once. I let my animals out as I dance in desperate need of peeing. I answervmy best friends texts when she's in crisis but when I am I get crickets. I get shitty sleep because I feel like shit if I'm not there for my son and don't think I can handle sleep training. I don't even shower as often as I need. My face is breaking out from a combo of stress and not being able to wash it. I use my muscles to their damn breaking point literally juggling a baby and manual labor for work. I sacrificed my career, my soul feeding people and work, my freedom.. to be with family and for "the help" help?! What help?! The occasional meal I eat at my parents, the 4 times in ten months I've ever gone out for a couple hours to dinner? But even still got a guilt trip for it? I just feel like everyone is so goddamn demanding of me and I'm falling apart at the seams. I try SO hard to keep up. To be social. To stay balanced. But holy fuck I've hit a wall and I have to bawl my eyes out and figure out a way to let it go because I know bottling it up won't end well. I feel like I'm running around, Baby on hip, picking up everyone's coat tails, all their slack, and I'm just left behind. Because no one cares, or That's how their actions feel anyway. S o I'm here. Throwing a pity party in hopes someone may have the right words for me right now. I feel like shit, I feel drained, I feel like a half assed mom, I just feel so damn low.