Was I out of line? 😭😭😭

Long story short, my husband and I have been having a lot of marital issues. We've been married for 4 years and a lot of these have been going on for over a year now some of these problems Include him not having a drivers license(he failed to mention it to me before we got married, ive begged and pleaded with him to get one and he says he will but he never follows through, I've done everything I can to get him to get it) so with that being said I have to drive him everywhere on top of working my 50+ hours a week job, on top of taking care of the home, maintaining the maintenance on our jeep, him

Not having a stable job/income (he makes damn good money when he works, but he only works for about a month at a time and will have 3-4 months off between details) (doesn't help us out after his checks are gone and we are back to my tiny paychecks) I'm supporting us off making barely enough to cover our own bills, I work extra shifts all the time and work 16-18 straight hours just trying to make us a little play money so we can get caught up on bills, we're living with my parents currently (thank god they let us) and it's definitely causing tension between us because we don't have our own space (understandable right?) but it's going to take the both of us working steadily in order to have enough to cover our bills on top of a home and everything that comes with a home (electricity, water/sewage, trash etc)

He goes to his parents with our problems all the time and now has a $1,500 debt with his parents from borrowing money for plane tickets to get to his job since we don't have the extra funds (he works as a security contractor and works out of state so thatswhy he has to fly back and fourth)

These are just a few of our problems and I have tried being nice and offering help, I've tried being mean and almost like forcing him to figure it out on his own:. I'm just literally at my wits end and I don't know what to do. Anytime I try to talk to him in a calm manner he gets offensive and doesn't like what I have to say or how I'm feeling, he'll shut down and not listen or just sit there and mumble "Mmhhmm" or "oh okay baby" thats all I ever get. Am I wrong for what I said? I told him that he has until the new year to fix these issues with me, and I also told him that Tuesday we are going to the DMV to get his license so he better be prepared and study up for it because he's either passing or failing.

Someone just help me, no judgements or rude advice. I just want some input on what others would do if it were you? I feel like I'm being emotionally abused at times because he guilt trips me into feeling bad for what I say or do etc... 😭

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