Wasted life? 27 and feeling like I am so so far behind!!! UPDATE


After reading about all these women buying homes at 18,19, married and having babies. I feel that I have wasted the last 9 years of my life and that I am a complete failure. At 26 I got engaged, married and pregnant at 27 and just about to own a house but I feel like I am a decade behind everyone else! I moved away from home to Cambridge for university and as a result got a job 300 miles away from my parents (so couldn’t live with them/ plus they would have charged me rent!) and being a strict catholic family I wouldn’t have been able to live with my bf at theirs) and with paying rent etc then saving for the wedding,paying off debts etc, I have barely saved enough! I just feel that I haven’t achieved very much- and that I have wasted my time- I just really feel so so jealous and feel crappy about my life - anyone else feel the same????

Think I didn’t realise how behind everyone i was until I joined this app!

Note- the average house price for a 2 bedroom in my area is £300,000 plus £5,000 stamp duty.. not comparing in just trying to justify myself!!

* UPDATE thank you everyone for your kind words the pregnancy hormones were clearly creeping up on me- and I’ve got to remember that apps like this probably have a skewed age range of people etc - so I will love my life and stop comparing- I am blessed to have people to love and of course life is not a race!!! Apologies for sounding like a winger!!