I am supposed to go deliver my baby today😞

Ann Marie

So I went to the dr on Tuesday to be seen for a rash. I have been broken out in hives for nearly a month and I believe it was from a new laundry soap that I tried... Well, the 1st thing they did when I got to the room was check for my baby's heartbeat, there was no sound coming from the doppler. The ultrasound tech brought in an ultrasound machine to look for a heartbeat this way and there was still nothing😞😞. My heart was broken when the dr came in and confirmed that my baby had stopped growing at 13 weeks and 2 days... At 1st they told me I would need a D&C; but then it got changed to me having to deliver my baby instead... I turned 16 weeks yesterday, and my baby has been passed for about 3 weeks... I am so nervous to go to the hospital, and I am praying that when they recheck my baby's heartbeat that a strong one will be heard... I know this is probably not going to happen, but it's not bad to wish for right??😞😞😞