Has anyone else had two miscarriages just within a few months apart? Did your doctor find a reason why it was happening or was it just bad luck?

Ky 8-15-17👼🏼 & 10-28-17👼🏼 Pregnant with my🌈💕

I don't ovulate on my own and had to take letrozole (generic form of femara) to make me ovulate. I did my first round in July and got pregnant but miscarried at 5 weeks in August. And my specialist said it was probably just a chromosome abnormality. I then did my second round of letrozole this month and this past Friday my beta came back very low at a 6 at 4 weeks and I started bleeding yesterday like my period so I had a chemical. I don't understand how this happens to me both times I get pregnant. I really hope it doesn't happen again on the next round and I get my baby. My husbands sperm is good and my uterus and tubes is good. We used preseed both rounds I hope that isn't the cause. Or I'm wondering if I could have a clotting disorder or something? Just so upsetting this is happening