My eyes hurt


I'm not trying to symptom chase or anything .. we've been TTC 7 months and both have had abnormal test results with fertility , actually have another dr appt with out fertility dr on Tuesday to talk options and treatments .

Ok that being said . I started spotting at 10dpo , of course I was devastated . Today is my 14dpo and my boobs hurt so bad it's like they are sunburnt . For shits and giggles I peed on a stick at 7 pm, and I think my eyes are playing tricks on me . Is it really possible to be pregnant but still spot like I do before a period ?

The top test is an unused test to see how white the section is. Am I seeing the faintest of all faint lines ? I honestly believe my eyes are messing with my head and I'm ok with that. Has anyone else had a period bluffing pregnancy?