Just need reassurance tonight


So my mother in law went on a rampage in her excitement and told 6 other family members we were pregnant before we could. Of course, we had asked her not to say anything before, but it is what it is.

I was an emotional wreck all evening thinking about “what if something goes wrong? Then we have to call everyone”, “it’s so much pressure”, “I wasn’t ready to say anything beyond moms and siblings”... etc. we had two very early MC last year, and now this one is 13weeks and 1 day. The genetic tests came back clear and we found out he’s a boy! All fantastic news!

I just can’t shake the nerves tonight, or the fear that something could happen and I’ll be devastated. I know people announce on Facebook and to the world at this point, I’m just a little slower. Could really use words of comfort and reassurance from other mamas tonight. ❤️