My sister gave up the fight...

My younger sister had been struggling with crippling depression since she was 10 years old. She had her ups and downs throughout her short 24 years of life. She attempted suicide when she was in her early teens but was stopped by her two older sisters. Our parents got her the help she needed and in her late teens she was even able to come off all depression medications. She graduated from high school a year early even though she had a learning disability that caused her to be held back in school and went straight to college with a goal of getting a double major in chemistry and biology. Partway through college she met her future husband and a few months after they started dating she had to get back on medication to help with her depression. She got married to him about halfway through college and proceeded to cut her family out of her life with no explanation as to why. We would hear from friends that she continued to decline overall but still had her moments when she was doing well. We learned that she gave up her dreams and was just floating through life. Well last Tuesday detectives showed up at my parents house and told us that she had shot and killed herself after failing to strangle herself earlier that day. Her husband claimed she didn't want a funeral and had her cremated (which she did want) two days after she died. He has taken all her ashes and claimed that she wanted her ashes spread in some forest somewhere. We are now concerned that he won't let us have any of her stuff to remember her by.

I just needed to post all this because we don't know if we will ever be able to have any memorial for her and I just felt like posting something about her would help me cope with the hole that she has left. Thank you taking the time to read this mess of a post.