UPDATE! Woke up to my husbands hand under my shirt


I woke up last night to my husbands hand under my shirt. He was rubbing my stomach while I was sleeping. We are in about 3-5 years of trying to conceive and this is our first cycle with fertility treatments and the other day I told him that I read that keeping my stomach warm and my circulation flowing by massaging my stomach could help and that's what he was doing last night. It's just so sweet to me because I've been talking non stop for years about possible things that can aide us in getting pregnant (like teas, medicine, etc) and I am so happy that he's still listening after all these years. This is just a brag post. He gives me hope, after all the heartbreak and a miscarriage he's been right beside me holding my hand. And he will never know how much I love him. He wants this baby as much as I do and although I hate having to have such a difficult time getting pregnant there's nobody else that I rather be on this roller coaster with. This trial has strengthened our marriage. Hopefully this is our cycle. Baby dust to all you women who are trying to conceive! Keep your hopes up! Our time will come and it will be worth the wait!


Looks like the husband running the belly worked 😂😂 I'm so nervous and excited! Please send any prayers, good vibes, well wishes and baby dust my way, I could use them! Hoping this turns into a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby!!

UPDATE: unfortunately I found out today that, after everything going perfectly up until this, that this is not a viable pregnancy and my pregnancy has stopped progressing. So we are waiting for my body to naturally have a miscarriage. We are having a hard time with this, as you can see with the story above EVERYTHING was lining up so perfectly and that all got taken away. Christmas is going to be hard since that was when we made plans to tell family, I would be 11 weeks then. And our second wedding anniversary, July 15th, 2018 will be hard because that was the baby's due date. Keep us in your thoughts if you can, I would love to just have a successful pregnancy soon. And to anyone that has experienced miscarriage, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemies 💔 We just feel like we're being punished for no reason, we just want one blessing. We will be okay, but this is definitely a tough spot, but it has strengthen our marriage even more. Thank you for all your comments and support from the beginning to the end of this pregnancy.

UPDATE (8/17/18): To everyone following our story the last year, I wanted to share our joy with you! To our complete surprise I found out I was pregnant yesterday morning!! Please send all your positivity that this 🌈👶🏻 sticks!!