OCD is not a cute slang term! (Story time)


TL;DR at the bottom but here's my story about ignorant people trying to be cute.

I was working an event, and I had to stamp everyone's left hand for admission. This one woman said, "Wait, I need to know why it has to be the left hand."

I said, "Don't worry about it, just let me stamp you," because there were literally over 200 people behind her and come on, lady.

She said, "No, I have to know."

I took a deep breath and explained it to her.

She replied, "Oh! I thought you were going to tell me you had OCD or something!"

I shot her a look and said, "You thought. That I was going to flippantly tell you. About my diagnosed mental illness?"

Then she shot back at me with an attitude like SHE was all offended and she said, "Geez, I was just talking! You don't have to be like that."

PEOPLE, LISTEN: OCD is not a cute, fun slang term to throw around when you mean anal-retentive, controlling, exacting, precise or particular. It is a serious DISORDER that can make life extraordinarily difficult - that's literally why it's called a -disorder-. I have three friends with OCD and one of them had to go to the psych hospital. So STOP IT with all of the "omg lol I'm so OCD." You're just letting everyone know how basic you are when you throw around the term "OCD" like that. It's so rude and disrespectful and so epically ignorant. I've been encountering this - people throwing around the term "OCD" - way too much over the past six years and I can't take it anymore and yeah I will call you out because it is not appropriate.

TL;DR it is not at all appropriate to throw around the term "OCD" like a cute little joke and ask total strangers if they have it.