Ladies, advice and opinions are needed!

I had sex with this guy September 16th, yadda yadda yadda. He did cum inside me. Well, I ended up being 5 days late. I was due to start October 1st. I made an appointment with my doctor because I kept getting negative test. So I forgot to NOT pee that morning and my appointment was at 9am. She made me drink tons of water to the point that I got super sick. Test came back negative. I never have a hard time giving blood but when she went to get some blood, my blood squirted and ended up not getting enough out of me but she sent it off anyway. Results came back 0.60. Not pregnant. I ended up bleeding October 13th very lightly. Had sex with him again on the 14th. He didn't mind. I'm usually 7 days and heavy. No cramps. No bloating. Nothing. I still feel not like myself. I'm always tired and ready to sleep. My bleeding stopped on the 16th. It was still very light. Also, I have snot like discharge a lot. Could having sex while on my period shorten the length of my cycle? Also, I've been having sharp pains in my groin area and light stretching dull pains. I don't think I'm pregnant but at the same time, I don't feel like myself.