He said I wasn't interesting anymore.

We've been together for a while now and our sex from the start was mind blowing just incredible, then we started having less and less sex, he became uninterested in me and watched more and more porn, the more I tried to have sex with him the more I got shot down. It's began to make me feel terrible about myself. We had sex last night or "tried to" for the first time in almost 2 weeks and after i orgasmed (he didn't yet)I got off him and he completely lost his boner, I went to the bathroom while he tried to get it up again and I came back to him fully clothed saying he didn't want to anymore because he was "tired". Then we layed down and talked alittle bit more and he proceeded to try to "eat me out". Mind you he only has once before and it was great and all but I was so uncomfortable with it I never let him do it again, I shot him down and he proceeded to say I'm getting boring and our sex life is uninteresting because it's the "same old stuff". Mind you neither of us have a place of our own to actually DO more then what we do it's always usually a quickie here and there and when we get the chance we do rent a hotel room to have all freedom we want. But I proceeded to scold him about the lack of attention I'm getting when I want to be intimate and how he pays more attention to the porn girls, he proceeded to tell me if I was as interesting as them and adventurous then he wouldn't have too watch porn all the time.. and I'm at all time low with my self esteem right now... resenting myself and him, he called me today and tried to clear things up with me and I proceeded to say because of his words to me I will no longer be trying to have sex with him and we got in a huge argument and we hung up. Needless to say it 11:30pm and he hasn't called me back all day or messaged me, and I don't know what to do or even how to gain my self confidence back.. because words do hurt...