ttc advice for me who was ttc 5 months


so I'm currently nearly 6 weeks pregnant and wanted give some advice. I was stressing for 5 months about getting pregnant. kept coming on this forum reading and commenting on everything I could. taking early tests. taking pictures of them changing them colour wise to negative to see the line more. obsessing about my ovulation dates. if this sounds like you. STOP!!!!! come the end of my last period I spoke to my cousins fiance who is a doctor she explained. When you're stressed and anxious there is a hormone that goes into your body that's the worst thing to get pregnant. obviously it still can happen if you are stressed and anxious but it takes the chances right down she said just try relax. so I arranged a birthday party for myself threw myself into my business and stopped coming on these forums (think this one really helped) my husband took a week off work and we spent some time as a family doing fun things. before I knew it was 2 days late on my period and had even forgot it was due. I took and test and I got a very strong BFP please try to listen too me I know it's easier said then done but I promise it increases your chances just hope this helps one person get their happy ending xxx