What bugs me..

Alana • Married mum of two boys. Max - 19.08.12 & Archie - 06.09.18. 💙

On a day like today when AF is due. Not here yet but feel like she’ll be here by the end of the day. What really bugs me is the thought of 10000s of women waking up today and finding out they’re pregnant and they don’t want the baby.

Why is life so cruel sometimes. I know plenty of people, myself included, who deserve and want a baby more than anything else.

Even from reading posts on here I see so many ladies who I wish could find out they’re pregnant today!

But there’s people worldwide who don’t want babies, who found out they’re pregnant.

Maybe it’s just my hormonal mind working overdrive today but that thought sucks👎🏼

Baby dust to you all and I hope you get your positives soon!

I just hope AF rears her ugly head today so I can get this over and done with and start again!